Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Writer-Teacher - Argh!

Being a full-time-and-a-half teacher plus a writer really makes life difficult, especially when you are coming up on midterms like I  am. It makes time management so important.

There are times I feel I am losing the time battle.

Yesterday (Tuesday) stands as a perfect example. I was up at 4:50 am to get some morning chores done, print a few things out I needed for school, snatch 20 minutes to write a bit on my novel-in-progress. Then it was out to catch my expreso (employee bus) at 6:30 to take me to school. Classes kicked off at 7:15a.m and ended at 2:30. After that, I had an additional class I am teaching for my International Baccalaureate students so they can prepare for their November exams. At 4:00 pm I was finally done at my school, but not for the day.

I grabbed a bus to take me to the nearest mall, where I slummed at the food court and graded papers, catching another 15 minutes to write a few words on my novel. At 6:00pm I was headed to the college where I teach a night class. After doing some prep work I did my teaching thing again until 8:30. At 9:30 I was finally home. I grabbed a snack and spent a little more time on the computer getting things ready for Wednesday's classes.

So today I am a tired puppy. I still have everything else to do except the extra after school class, so at least today I have a bit more time to update my blogs, and do a bit more work on my novel.

I expect at this rate I'll get this thing done in about 2015.

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